
Michelle Vossen is an artist and designer from the Netherlands, who graduated with honors from a bachelor Fashion Design at ArtEZ Institute of the Arts. She is fascinated by software, machines and technology, which is revealed through different aspects of her work. Her graduation collection DRESSCODE is an experimental study of the relationship between man and machine, and between technology and material.

Her goal is to further experiment with bringing fashion, art and technology closer together, to a level where absurdism sometimes surpasses practicality. Her work is about connecting the physical with the digital, the crafted by hand and the machine made. She combines analog and digital image manipulation to arrive at designs and prints, uses digital fabrication methods and is inspired by all kinds of online phenomena. In addition, fun and humor are of great importance to her: her work does not have to make sense at first (and second) sight. She is constantly searching for meaning, but even more intrigued by simulation of significance: empty symbols, images without deeper content and visual stories without purpose.


About Waag

Waag operates at the intersection of science, technology and the arts. Their work focuses on emergent technologies as instruments of social change, and is guided by the values of fairness, openness and inclusivity. Waag’s dedicated team of sixty thinkers and makers empowers people to become active citizens through technology.

Making technology & society more open, fair and inclusive.

Waag is a middle-ground organisation composed of research groups that work with both grassroots initiatives and institutional partners across Europe. The collective has a shared attitude of public concern and civic activism, which is manifested in our public research agenda. Working with emergent technologies, Waag conducts research in both imaginative and practical terms, addressing its fellow citizens from a position of equality and collaboration.

Public Research

source: https://waag.org/en/about-us